
US Commerce Department Finalizes Antidumping Review for South Korean Large Diameter Welded Pipe

Synopsis: The US Department of Commerce has completed its administrative review of the antidumping duty order on large diameter welded pipes from South Korea. For the period from May 1, 2022, to April 30, 2023, the DOC concluded that Hyundai Steel Company and SeAH Steel Corporation did not sell the products at less than normal value in the US market, resulting in zero percent antidumping margins for both companies.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Source : ContentFactory

The US Department of Commerce has announced the final results of its administrative review concerning the antidumping duty order on large diameter welded pipe imported from South Korea. The review covers the period from May 1, 2022, to April 30, 2023, focusing on two of South Korea’s major steel manufacturers: Hyundai Steel Company and SeAH Steel Corporation.

The DOC's findings revealed that these two companies did not engage in dumping practices while exporting LD welded pipes to the US. In other words, the review concluded that Hyundai Steel and SeAH Steel did not sell the specified products at prices below their normal value in the US market, leading to a determination of zero percent antidumping margins for both manufacturers.

In this particular case, the DOC conducted a review of imports of large diameter welded pipe from South Korea, examining whether these pipes were being sold in the US at a price lower than the normal value — a price based on the market conditions in South Korea. The companies involved, Hyundai Steel and SeAH Steel, submitted their data for the review process, which included evidence of their pricing, cost structures, and sales data for the specified period.

After reviewing the submitted data, the DOC determined that Hyundai Steel Company and SeAH Steel Corporation did not engage in dumping during the review period. Specifically, the DOC concluded that both companies’ sales prices were in line with their normal values, as determined by the DOC's methodology. As a result, the final determination for both companies was a zero percent antidumping margin, meaning no antidumping duties will be levied on these companies’ imports of large diameter welded pipe into the United States for the period in question.

The DOC’s final determination of zero antidumping margins is significant for Hyundai Steel and SeAH Steel, as it clears them of any allegations of selling their welded pipes in the US at unfairly low prices. As a result, they will not face additional tariffs or duties beyond what is stipulated by the initial antidumping duty order.

For US steel producers, this decision may be seen as a setback in efforts to secure protective measures against perceived unfair trade practices. However, it also serves as a reminder of the complexity involved in antidumping investigations, where the DOC’s thorough review process ensures that only companies engaged in price undercutting are penalized.