
Quantum Sensing Unveils Magnetic Memory's Nanoscale Nuances

Synopsis: Researchers from Qnami and imec have used scanning nitrogen vacancy magnetometry, a quantum sensing technique, to characterize the performance of magnetic random access memory devices at the individual bit level. By measuring key properties like thermal stability and switching statistics in sub-60 nm bits, they demonstrated the ability to identify out-of-distribution "tail bits" and benchmark different manufacturing processes. The findings highlight the potential of nanoscale quantum sensing for early-stage screening and failure analysis in MRAM production.
Monday, June 17, 2024
Source : ContentFactory

In the relentless pursuit of denser, faster, and more energy-efficient data storage, the semiconductor industry has turned its attention to magnetic random access memory as a promising successor to current non-volatile memory technologies. However, as MRAM bits shrink to nanoscale dimensions, ensuring uniform device performance becomes an increasingly daunting challenge. Now, a team of researchers from Qnami AG and imec has harnessed the power of quantum sensing to shed light on the nanoscale nuances of these magnetic memories, paving the way for improved process control and failure analysis in MRAM manufacturing.

At the heart of their groundbreaking work lies scanning nitrogen vacancy magnetometry, a cutting-edge metrology technique that exploits the exquisite sensitivity of nitrogen vacancy  centers in diamond to probe magnetic fields with nanoscale resolution. By deploying SNVM to investigate individual MRAM bits, the researchers were able to extract crucial performance metrics such as thermal stability and switching statistics, providing a window into the bit-to-bit uniformity that is critical for the technology's success.

The ingenuity of the SNVM approach lies in its ability to characterize MRAM devices immediately after the patterning of the magnetic tunnel junction pillars, a key fabrication step that defines the bits' size and shape. This early-stage screening capability represents a significant advantage over conventional electrical characterization methods, which can only be applied at the end of the lengthy manufacturing process. By identifying process variations and performance outliers at this nascent stage, SNVM enables a much shorter feedback loop for process optimization and failure analysis.

To showcase the power of their technique, the researchers benchmarked two distinct MTJ etching processes used in the fabrication of sub-60 nm MRAM bits. While ensemble averaging methods like the magneto-optical Kerr effect failed to discern any differences between the two processes, SNVM revealed that the optimized etching approach yielded superior bit-to-bit uniformity. Crucially, the quantum sensing technique allowed the identification of out-of-distribution "tail bits" that seemed to be associated with the edges of the bit arrays, a finding that could guide targeted failure analysis efforts.

Beyond its diagnostic capabilities, SNVM also demonstrated its potential as a rapid, non-destructive method for assessing the data retention of MRAM devices. By measuring the thermal stability of individual bits, a key determinant of the memory's ability to retain information over time, the researchers were able to extract array-level retention statistics in a matter of hours. This stands in stark contrast to the weeks-long electrical testing currently used for this purpose, highlighting the technique's promise for accelerating the development and qualification of new MRAM designs.

As the semiconductor industry continues to push the boundaries of magnetic memory technology, the need for incisive, nanoscale characterization tools will only grow more acute. With its ability to probe the magnetic properties of individual bits and identify subtle process variations, SNVM is poised to become an indispensable arrow in the metrology quiver. By shedding light on the nanoscale nuances that govern MRAM performance, this quantum sensing technique promises to accelerate the development and deployment of this transformative storage technology, ushering in a new era of high-density, low-power, and lightning-fast non-volatile memories.

While the road ahead is not without its challenges, the successful application of SNVM to industrial-scale MRAM devices marks a significant milestone in the journey towards quantum-enhanced metrology for the semiconductor industry. As researchers continue to refine and expand the capabilities of this powerful technique, the tantalizing prospect of a future where quantum sensors keep a watchful eye over every step of the manufacturing process draws ever closer. And with each nanoscale nugget of insight they uncover, these quantum-powered guardians of quality and reliability bring us one step nearer to a world where the promise of MRAM is fully realized.