
Rare Electrification Rule: SoCal's Zero-Emissions Edict

Synopsis: Southern California's South Coast Air Quality Management District has passed a groundbreaking rule requiring water heaters and boilers in new buildings to meet zero-emissions standards by 2026, with existing buildings having until 2033 to comply. The rule, co-sponsored by Industrious Labs and Earthjustice, aims to reduce emissions from over 1 million gas-powered units in the region, which has the worst air quality in the country.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Source : ContentFactory

In an unprecedented move, the South Coast Air Quality Management District has approved Amended Rule 1146.2, mandating that smaller heaters and boilers in newly constructed buildings meet zero-emissions limits beginning in 2026. This landmark decision, the first of its kind in the United States, is set to significantly reduce emissions produced by more than 1 million water heaters and boilers by requiring a major shift from gas to electric-powered equipment. Existing buildings will have until 2033 to comply with the new rule.

The legislation, co-sponsored by Los Angeles-based Industrious Labs and the climate and environmental justice group Earthjustice, follows another first-in-the-nation SCAQMD measure approved last year that requires zero-emissions standards for commercial ovens. Evan Gillespie, a partner at Industrious Labs, stated that the goal is to "transform industry and drive the right types of investments... that prioritize low- and zero-emission technology."

The South Coast Air Basin, encompassing Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties, is home to the worst air quality in the country. To bring the region's dangerously polluted air into compliance with state and federal laws, the air district is tasked with reducing harmful emissions from all major pollution sources. While less visible than emissions-spewing pollution sources like refineries and trucks, fossil fuel-powered boilers and water heaters are a significant source of smog-forming nitrogen oxide and deadly particulate matter in the region.

Adrian Martinez, deputy managing attorney of Earthjustice's Right To Zero campaign, emphasized the importance of this rule, stating, "When it comes to our industrial sector, we don't have to boil the planet to boil water. With this pivotal rule, Southern California is set to replace over a million pieces of gas-powered equipment with zero-emissions technology."

The passage of Amended Rule 1146.2 is a major step forward in the region's fight to clean the air for over 17 million people and invest in zero-emissions solutions. Martinez added, "If Southern California can forge ahead and do this, so can the rest of the nation."

The new rule is expected to have a significant impact on reducing smog-forming nitrogen oxide and deadly particulate matter in the region, which has long suffered from poor air quality. By requiring the transition to electric-powered equipment, the SCAQMD is taking a proactive approach to address the issue of emissions from water heaters and boilers, which have often been overlooked in the fight against air pollution.

As the first region in the United States to implement such a rule, Southern California is setting a precedent for other areas to follow. The success of this initiative could inspire similar measures across the country, leading to a broader shift towards zero-emissions technology in the industrial sector.