
Bribery Escalates at North Korean Food Processing Factories Amid Rising Demand

Synopsis: In North Korea, as the demand for jobs in food processing plants grows due to guaranteed food rations and stable wages, instances of bribery for securing positions have surged, with amounts reaching as high as $500 for managerial roles.
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Daily NK
Source : ContentFactory

Daily NK reports that as North Korea experiences an upsurge in demand for employment at food processing facilities, where government-assured food rations and stable remuneration attract applicants, reports of escalating corruption in recruitment processes have surfaced. According to sources, positions at facilities like the Kumsong Food Processing Plant in Pyongyang have become highly coveted due to improved working conditions and the assurance of regular food supplies.

The allure of steady monthly rations of wheat and rice, tailored to accommodate family sizes, along with additional perks during holidays, has intensified competition among North Koreans seeking secure livelihoods. Monthly wages ranging from KWP 300,000 to 400,000 further enhance the appeal of jobs at these plants, prompting an influx of applicants amid government directives to enhance food production.

Despite the government's role in job allocation, widespread practices of bribery have emerged, particularly noticeable in departments tasked with hiring managers and ordinary laborers. Previously nominal, bribes have soared during recent times, with reports indicating that securing a position now demands payments ranging between $150 and $200 for labor roles and up to $500 for managerial positions.

Sources within the country disclose that the labor department at Kumsong Food Processing Plant, responsible for recruiting non-degree holders, openly solicits bribes from prospective employees. Similarly, the department overseeing managerial recruitment has intensified its demands, requiring substantial payments to facilitate appointments.