
DPP Mandates Inquest into Inflammatory Immigrant Videos Circulating Kenya

Synopsis: The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in Kenya has ordered the Directorate of Criminal Investigations and the National Cohesion and Integration Commission to investigate two viral videos on social media that allegedly incite ethnic hatred and violence against immigrants in the country. The videos feature a man discussing the alleged takeover of the Kikuyu community by the Somali community.
Monday, June 17, 2024
Source : ContentFactory

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in Kenya has directed the Directorate of Criminal Investigations and the National Cohesion and Integration Commission to conduct a joint investigation into two viral videos circulating on social media. The videos, which have raised concerns about inciting ethnic hatred and violence, feature a man making inflammatory statements about immigrants in the country, particularly targeting the Somali community.

In a statement released by the DPP's directorate of Public Affairs and Public Communications, the state prosecutor emphasized the potential of the videos to incite Kenyans to violence. The statement reads, "The attention of the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions has been drawn to two videos on social media that could incite ethnic contempt, hatred, hostility, violence or discrimination among Kenyans." The DPP has invoked Article 157(4) of the Constitution to mandate the investigation, urging the DCI and NCIC to work together and forward their findings for further review and advice.

According to the ODPP, one of the videos features a speaker claiming that while two communities in the country are engaged in fighting, another immigrant community is taking over. This statement appears to be a reference to the alleged takeover of the Kikuyu community by the Somali community, a topic that has been the subject of heated debate and speculation in recent times.

In the second video, the speaker goes a step further, declaring his intention to "make myself part of the people who have started the struggle for the liberation' of the said community." This statement has raised alarm bells among authorities, who fear that it could be interpreted as a call to arms and lead to violence against immigrants in the country.

The ODPP has not provided any further details about the identity of the person featured in the videos, citing the need for an expeditious investigation. However, the videos have been widely circulated on social media, sparking a heated debate about the role of immigrants in Kenyan society and the need for greater tolerance and understanding between different communities.

The investigation into the videos comes at a time of heightened tensions in Kenya, with many communities feeling marginalized and excluded from the country's political and economic life. The ODPP's decision to order a probe into the videos is a clear indication of the government's commitment to promoting national unity and cohesion, and to cracking down on those who seek to sow division and discord.

As the investigation gets underway, many Kenyans will be watching closely to see how the authorities handle this sensitive and potentially explosive issue. Some have called for the person featured in the videos to be arrested and prosecuted, while others have urged caution and restraint, arguing that a heavy-handed response could further inflame tensions and lead to more violence.

Regardless of the outcome of the investigation, it is clear that Kenya faces significant challenges in building a more inclusive and harmonious society. The country's diverse communities must work together to promote greater understanding and respect for one another, and to reject those who seek to divide and polarize the nation for their own narrow political or ideological ends. Only by coming together and embracing their common humanity can Kenyans hope to build a brighter, more prosperous future for all.