
FMCG's Sluggish Shift: Plastic Packaging Persists, Paper Preferred

Synopsis: Aquapak's comprehensive study, "FMCG flexible packaging: accelerating the move from plastic to paper," reveals that while 92% of UK packaging experts plan to stop using plastic in consumer packaging, the transition is slow. The report, based on research with 100 UK packaging experts, shows that paper and paperboard are the preferred replacement materials, but the majority of experts expect the transition to take place between 2027 and 2029.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Source : ContentFactory

A new study by Aquapak, titled "FMCG flexible packaging: accelerating the move from plastic to paper," has shed light on the slow progress in the FMCG sector's transition from plastic to sustainable packaging solutions. The comprehensive report, launched at the Rethinking Materials Innovation and Investment Summit in London, is based on research conducted with 100 UK packaging experts responsible for packaging R&D, technology, design, and sustainability for FMCG brands.

The study reveals that an overwhelming majority (92%) of packaging experts plan to stop using plastic in their consumer packaging altogether. Paper and paperboard emerge as the replacement materials of choice, followed by new polymers, bioplastics, and multi-materials. However, despite the commitment to move away from plastic, the timeframe for transition remains considerable, with 27% of packaging experts expecting this to happen by 2027, 35% by 2028, and 28% by 2029.

The pace of change in the industry has been a point of concern, with just under one-third (30%) of respondents describing the move to new packaging materials in their business as too slow, while 58% described it as 'moderate.' Only 11% said the transition was fast. Crucially, the majority (87%) of experts want the switch to alternative materials to replace conventional plastics to take place more quickly.

The study highlights several barriers to the adoption of more environmentally friendly packaging options. The higher cost of alternative packaging was cited by 53% of respondents as a major hurdle, followed by the availability of alternative materials (50%) and ensuring that functionality and product protection remain the same (46%).

To accelerate the development and implementation of new materials in the FMCG sector, 70% of respondents believed that more ambitious recycling targets were key. Increased investment in new materials (62%) and greater collaboration to accelerate R&D (54%) were also identified as crucial drivers. Half of the respondents said that an industry-wide commitment to move away from conventional plastic was necessary, while 47% cited tighter environmental regulation through taxation of materials with poor environmental performance as important.

Dr. John Williams, chief technical officer at Aquapak, emphasized the need for the FMCG sector to be bolder in its commitment to new packaging materials. While 37% of respondents say they are more focused on switching to innovative, environmentally friendly materials, a quarter are developing existing materials, and 38% are placing equal importance on both. Dr. Williams questioned whether this approach truly embraces innovation and change or simply sits on the fence until regulation forces the industry's hand.

Aquapak Polymers Ltd, a company specializing in designing and manufacturing new polymer-based material technologies, has developed HydropolTM, a groundbreaking high-performance polymer that enables product and packaging design to meet all necessary functional and performance requirements while increasing recycling, reducing harmful plastic pollution, and supporting the circular economy. When extrusion coated or laminated onto paper, HydropolTM adds strength and barriers to oxygen, oil, and grease, and its solubility allows 100% paper fiber recovery through paper recycling mills.

Hydropol has been used in the development of the first domestically recyclable paper crisp packet, unveiled in March, in partnership with The British Crisp and Evopak, a manufacturer of sustainable paper-based flexible packaging. The new packet provides an environmentally friendly and scalable alternative to the eight billion packets thrown away each year in the UK, ending up in landfill or being incinerated. The packets have been certified as recyclable in standard paper recycling mills by OPRL, the only evidence-based on-pack recycling labeling scheme.