
Hyundai's XCIENT Fuel Cell Triumph: 10 Million km Milestone

Synopsis: Hyundai Motor's XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks have achieved a significant milestone by surpassing 10 million km in total driving distance in Switzerland, demonstrating the long-term reliability and sustainability of hydrogen fuel cell technology.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Source : ContentFactory

Hyundai Motor Company's XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks have achieved a remarkable milestone by clocking 10 million km in Swiss fleet usage, showcasing the exceptional reliability of hydrogen fuel cell technology. In just under four years since the fleet's inception in October 2020, the XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks have surpassed this impressive cumulative driving distance, underscoring their long-term dependability and efficiency.

The XCIENT Fuel Cell fleet in Switzerland, comprising 48 trucks, is powered by two 90-kW fuel cell systems and a 350 kW e-motor, providing a maximum range of over 400 km. This achievement highlights the significant environmental impact of hydrogen fuel cell technology, as compared to traditional diesel trucks, with an estimated reduction of approximately 6,300 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions over the 10 million km distance covered.

The use of 'green hydrogen' in all XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks in Switzerland ensures zero carbon emissions during the production process, contributing to the establishment of an eco-friendly hydrogen value chain in Europe. This milestone not only signifies Hyundai's commitment to sustainable transportation but also plays a crucial role in advancing hydrogen fuel cell system technology.

Analyzing vehicle data on mileage, hydrogen consumption, and fuel cell stack performance from this achievement will enable Hyundai Motor to enhance its hydrogen fuel cell technology further and apply it across a range of vehicles. The company's dedication to supporting and participating in the development of a commercial hydrogen ecosystem underscores its holistic approach to sustainable mobility solutions.

The XCIENT Fuel Cell truck's global deployment in 10 countries, including the U.S., Switzerland, Germany, and Korea, underscores its reliability and eco-friendliness. Hyundai's continuous efforts to expand the adoption of hydrogen fuel cell technology reflect its dedication to driving sustainable mobility solutions and shaping the future of clean transportation on a global scale.