
Forever Chemicals' Nemesis: Illuminating LED Solution Shatters PFAS Persistence

Synopsis: Researchers at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan, have developed a new method to break down forever chemicals using visible LED light and cadmium sulfide nanocrystals. The process achieves 100% breakdown of perfluorooctanesulfonate in 8 hours and 81% breakdown of Nafion in 24 hours.
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Source : ContentFactory

Scientists at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan, have made a groundbreaking discovery in the fight against persistent pollutants known as forever chemicals or PFAS. These researchers have developed an innovative, eco-friendly method to eliminate harmful PFAS using visible LED light, achieving near-complete breakdown of these substances at room temperature. This development, published in the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition, not only addresses a significant environmental concern but also offers a potential solution for recovering valuable fluorine.

PFAS have been widely used since the invention of Teflon in 1938, finding applications in various products due to their exceptional stability and resistance to water and heat. However, this stability has become a major environmental and health concern, as these chemicals do not easily break down in nature. They accumulate in water, soil, and even human bodies, potentially causing carcinogenic effects and hormonal disruptions. Traditional methods of breaking down PFAS require temperatures exceeding 400°C (752°F), making the process energy-intensive and potentially harmful to the environment.

The new method developed by the Ritsumeikan team involves irradiating visible LED light onto cadmium sulfide nanocrystals and copper-doped CdS, Cu-CdS, nanocrystals with surface ligands of mercaptopropionic acid MPA in a solution containing PFAS, fluoropolymers FPs, and triethanolamine TEOA. This process generates electrons with a high reduction potential, capable of breaking down the strong carbon-fluorine bonds in PFAS molecules. The researchers achieved impressive results, with 100% breakdown of perfluorooctanesulfonate, a type of PFAS, in just eight hours and an 81% breakdown of Nafion, a fluoropolymer, in 24 hours.

The photocatalytic reaction begins by adding CdS nanocrystals, PFOS, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, and TEOA to water, then exposing the solution to 405-nanometer LED light. This light excites the nanoparticles, generating electron-hole pairs and creating space for PFOS molecules to adsorb onto the nanocrystal surface. TEOA is added to capture the holes and prolong the lifetime of the reactive electrons available for PFAS decomposition. The electrons then undergo an Auger recombination process, creating highly excited electrons with enough energy to break the carbon-fluorine bonds in PFOS molecules.

The efficiency of this process depends on the amount of nanocrystals and TEOA used, as well as the duration of light exposure. The researchers confirmed the presence of hydrated electrons, generated by Auger recombination, through laser flash photolysis measurements. This method not only effectively breaks down PFAS but also has the potential to recover fluorine, a critical component in many industries, including pharmaceuticals and clean energy technologies.

Professor Yoichi Kobayashi, the lead author of the study, emphasizes the significance of this breakthrough, stating, The proposed methodology is promising for the effective decomposition of diverse perfluoroalkyl substances under gentle conditions, thereby significantly contributing towards the establishment of a sustainable fluorine-recycling society. This development comes at a crucial time, as concerns about PFAS contamination in drinking water and the environment continue to grow.

The implications of this research extend beyond environmental remediation. By providing a method to recover fluorine from waste PFAS, the process could reduce reliance on fluorine production and establish a more sustainable recycling process. This aligns with broader efforts to create circular economies and reduce the environmental impact of industrial processes. As Professor Kobayashi notes, This technique will contribute to the development of recycling technologies for fluorine elements, which are used in various industries and support our prosperous society.

As the world grapples with the persistent challenge of forever chemicals, this innovative approach using LED light offers a promising solution. The ability to break down PFAS at room temperature without the need for extreme heat or harsh chemicals represents a significant step forward in environmental protection and sustainable resource management. While further research and development will be necessary to scale up this process for industrial applications, the work of the Ritsumeikan team provides a beacon of hope in the ongoing battle against persistent pollutants.